Chef to Geaux Business Card

Chef to Geaux

Client: Chef to Geaux, Chef Thomas Hood

Format: Business Card

Design Objective: Chef Thomas Hood brings gourmet cooking to your kitchen. He provides a wide array of culinary services, including meals prepared in your home, business lunch and dinners, and private events. He needed a business card that highlighted the variety of services he provides. He wanted a card that was bright and memorable.

Spectrum Newsletter for PIGC

PIGC Spectrum Newsletter


Client: Printing Industries of the Gulf Coast

Format: Quarterly Newsletter

Design Objective: Printing Industries of the Gulf Coast provides a quarterly newsletter to its members. The newsletter contains industry updates, news, and company announcements. The name “Spectrum” was chosen to reflect the range of services provided to its members, as well as a reference to the printing industry, which it serves.

S & B Engineers and Constructors
Employee Newsletter

S & B Newsletter

Client:S & B Engineers and Constructors

Format: 16-page, 8 1/2″ x 11″ color newsletter

Design Objective: S & B Engineers and Constructors provides a quarterly newsletter to its employees. The newsletter is filled with articles about employee special events, photos, accomplishments, and family news.

KDC Milestones Cards

KDC Milestones

Client: Kids Developmental Clinic

Format: 5.5″ x 8.5″, full color postcard

Design Objective: This card is provided to families who visit Kids Developmental Clinic and Kids Developmental Therapy. The card are available in both English and Spanish. This card helps parents to identify important milestones in their child’s growth and development.